COMMON MYTHS VS FACTS #15 MYTH: Israel’s support for LBGT rights is a cover for its crimes aka Pinkwashing. FACT: Israel does not use the fact of any positive element to excuse so-called crimes.The Sentencing Policies of Criminal Courts in Israel are taken seriously, and apply to all citizens. Israel is justified in pride towards their progressive LGBT rights, comparable to other liberal democracies, while in Iran and Arab countries, gay sex is punishable by prison or death in most nations, and none of these countries protect LGBT people against discrimination…except for Israel.The reality of Israel’s support for the LGBTQ+ minority does not “pinkwash” the large-scale “conflict” amongst Israelis and Palestinian-Arabs. The term, “pinkwashing,” is used as a weapon of anti-Israel activists to further their agendas, and ultimately utilizing the LGBT community as a prop against Israel.Surrounding nations, such as Syria and Iran regularly commit human rights travesties and crimes, however, Arab regimes lack the adoption of the supposed, “pinkwashing” strategy Israel is accused of using, to compensate for their own crimes. Return to Myths vs Facts Home